Write For Us

We are delighted to hear that you are interested in writing for us as we are always looking for new submissions. Whilst our platform is affiliated with the King’s College Latin American Society, El Cortao’ is open to everyone, regardless of university or country of residence. Articles can cover any topic or theme related to Latin America.

Should you have any questions relating to the functioning of El Cortao’ or its submissions process, read our Platform Structure, Policies, and FAQ document provided below.

El Cortao' Landscape Cropped.png

Writing Regulations

El Cortao’ fundamentally operates as a neutral, open writing platform built primarily on Latin America-related content submitted by independent writers. What is published on our servers bears both the name of the platform and the name of the individual author. Consequently, articles pitched for publication must observe certain basic regulations in the interests of quality, consistency, convenience, and professionalism - both for El Cortao’ and for the author.

Please find our Writing Regulations in the document linked below. This document also provides useful writing guidelines and tips as well as a checklist for those wishing to submit their writing to El Cortao’.

Writing Regulations, Guidelines, and Tips

Click here to access this document.

Platform Structure, Policies, and FAQ

Click here to access this document.

Do make sure you are comfortable with your work being shared publicly on this website and on our associated King’s College Latin American Society social media platforms.*

*If you wish to remain anonymous for whatever reason please also disclose this on your email and we will be in contact with you on how to proceed.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on elcortao.latamkcl@gmail.com!

Important Disclaimer:

The views and opinions expressed in each article published on El Cortao’ are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the King’s College Latin American Society or of El Cortao’.

Please make sure that you have read and understood the platform-wide disclaimer and guidelines presented on this page.